Call Shift Rules determine how users will rotate on their Rankings Lists, as well as allow you to pre-build tiers for specific Call Shifts.
1. Click on Scheduling > Setup.
2. Click on Call Shift Rules.
3. Here you can see any existing rules, the ability to edit using the pencil, and the ability to delete using the trashcan. Select Add Rule.
4. Here you can:
Determine if this is the Default Rule.
Determine if you want to use global ranking.
Global ranking allows for individuals who are associated with multiple qualifiers to receive adjustments on all lists.
Determine the Call Shift Logic.
Choose a name.
Choose which qualifiers you want associated with the rule.
5. Call Shift Logic allows you to deviate from the general settings for specific call shift rules.
Essentially, you could have the default setting set to non-candidate method, but turn on the candidate method for one specific call shift rule.
6. The first list sorting option is Rotating. Change Ranking If allows you to determine when the user should be charged (awarded) the call shift.
Greater Than allows you to input a hourly amount that the call shift must be greater than to rotate the user.
Greater than or equal to allows you to input a hourly amount that the call shift must be greater than or equal to rotate the user.
Always will move the user regardless of the length of the call shift.
7. Move If allows you to determine who will move on the list. You can move if:
No answer.
Contact Error.
8. Hours Based allows users to collect hours to drop and remain lower on the list.
Change Ranking If works the same as the Rotating list options.
Tie breakers allow you to determine who will be awarded the call shift. You can choose from:
Date of Hire.
The last date worked (when the last overtime was.)
Use secondary start date- this allows users secondary start date to be used instead of Date of Hire.
Apply Hours When determines who will be charged the call shift. You can choose between:
No answer.
Contact Error.
If Candidate.
Reset Annually on allows the list to be reset to zeros annually on a select date.
9. Static list sorting will keep individuals in the same position based off their date of hire. Those with more seniority will remain at the top.
You can use the option of Use secondary start date to reposition those who have been promoted.
NOTE: This allows those who may have more tenure within the department to fall appropriately on a different list when promoted since they are not as senior in the new rank as others may be.
10. We can also pre-build Tiers within the rule. Click Add Tier.
11. Here you can:
Determine the qualifier.
Ignore Availability.
This will send messages to those who are unavailable.
Determine a wait time (Non-Candidate Only)
Determine a Rank or Rotation.
12. The users assoociated with the Tiers will appear on the right.
Purpose To give a overview on Call Shift settings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling > Setup. 2. Click on Call Shift Rules. 3. Click on Settings. 4. Here you can: Toggle on or off the candidate method. Toggle on the ability to manually charge ...
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Call Shift with a Multi-Rule Qualifier. Qualifiers can be associated with multiple Call Shift Rules allowing you to have different Rules for different needs. Related Articles Initiating a Call Shift (Non-Candidate ...
Purpose To explain how to manually adjust call shift rankings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Click on Ranking. 3. This qualifier is set up to show a rotating or seniority based list. To manually adjust a individual, select ...
Purpose To explain the Call Shift Hours Settings within the Scheduling Module. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling > Setup. 2. Click on Call Shift Rules. 3. Click on Hours Settings. 4. Here we can determine: When will Call Shifts Hours be ...
Purpose To explain how to manually create new incidents and send messaging through the mobile app. INFO: The messaging creates an Alert similar to an incident, regardless of the users alert settings, and populates the message in the incident list. ...