1. Navigate to Incident Documentation - EMS QA/QI
2. Select one or more reports, then click on "Assign To".
3. PCRs need to be assigned to at least one reviewer before a review can begin.
4. Use the filter tools across the top of the QA/QI list to adjust the displayed incidents. Saved Views can be used after filter and column preferences are set.
5. If you are an assigned reviewer for an Incident, the "Review" button will be displayed in the Actions Column. Click to begin or continue a review.
6. Hover over any field, and click on the comment icon to leave a comment for the selected field.
7. Choose what type of message to send, Red (error), Yellow (warning) or Green (well done), then type a comment in the text box.

The Green comments will not require any type of Approve or Resolve workflow.
8. Click on the "Send Comment" button to save the comment and continue reviewing.
9. Click on "Comments" to view a summary of all comments submitted for the incident.
10. Click on Request Review to complete your initial review and notify the report author that that their review is needed. The report author will receive an email notification of the review request with a hyperlink to the ePCR. The incident status will change to "Waiting."
Approve/Deny Process
11. When the crew member has finished reviewing and updating the ePCR and resubmitted the report, the QA Status will change to "Pending". Click on the Review button to approve/deny any updates from the crew member.
12. Approve or Reject individual field changes from the crew member.

Rejecting an edit or comment will result in the report changing back to "Waiting" status and the report author being notified of an additional review request.
13. Alternatively, use the comments section on the right side of the screen to view/approve all changes.
14. Click on Approve to finalize the QA/QI process. This will change the QA/QI status to "Approved" in the QA/QI list.