NFIRS Setup - Wrap up

NFIRS Setup - Wrap up


  1. To guide you through NFIRS Wrap-up setup.



  1. Navigate to Incident Documentation > NFIRS Set up.

  2. Select "Do you want to allow users to contribute to Narrative Entry regardless of their assignment?"  Checking this box allows users to contribute (append or edit) any narrative regardless of their assignment.

  3. Select "Do you want to turn on individual unit narratives?" If you check this box, each unit can enter a narrative within an incident report.

    1. Example

  4. Select "Please select your Unit Narrative requirements".

    1. Optional - Unit narrative(s) will be available but not a mandatory requirement.
    2. At least one must be filled out - A unit narrative will have to be completed if it is a single unit response or one unit will have to complete a narrative if it is a multi-unit response.
    3. All unit narratives are mandatory - Every unit responding on the incident will be required to complete a narrative.

  5. Select  "Do you want to turn on a general, department narrative field". Checking this box will enable an incident narrative not associated with a specific unit.

  6. Select  "Please select your general, department narrative requirements".

    1. General narrative is optional - A narrative field will be available but not mandatory.
    2. General narrative is mandatory - A narrative will be required for every incident report.

  7. Select  "Restrict users from editing each other's narrative entries". Select this box if you wish to prevent users from editing any other narrative but their own. Users can still append a unit narrative they just won't be able to edit other users' narrative entries.

8. Enable/disable Signature Options. 
  1. Choose whether to require a signature on each NFIRS report
  2. Select whether to autmatically fill the Officer in Charge field from the member completing report field.

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