NFIRS Setup - Size up and Operations

NFIRS Setup - Size up and Operations


  1. To guide you through NFIRS Size up and Operations setup.



  1. Navigate to Incident Documentation > NFIRS Set up.

  2. In the Size-up section, under the Weather section, select whether or not to include the current weather data from OpenWeather at the moment of dispatch. 
    The API will pull current weather conditions at the time of the dispatch ONLY.

  3. In the Scene section select if you want to turn on the COVID Special Study and the optional NFIRS EMS module for your incidents. 
    1. (A) The first box will turn it on.  The second box will determine if it is a mandatory or non-mandatory field.
      1. (B) COVID Special Study documentation choices are Yes, COVID 19 was suspected, Yes, COVID 19 was confirmed, No, COVID 19 was was not a factor, and Unknown 
    2. (C) If you enable the NFIRS EMS module you can also make a PCR mandatory for certain NFRIS Incident types.
      1. (D) Select any Incident type you wish to make a PCR mandatory for.

  4. In the Operations section select whether or not you would like to include the Command & Safety section on the Operations page of your incident reports.
    1. Definition - This will allow you to record the date, time, unit, incident commander, and notes for the following events: Initial Command established, Command transferred, 360 degree size-up completed, Operations Section engaged.


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