To explain how to create and manage a custom NFIRS report field.
1. Navigate to Incident Documentation-> Fire Incident Setup -> Field Management.
2. Click on New Custom Field.
3. Assign the custom field a label. This is the field text that will appear in the NFIRS report.
4. Choose the section in which the field will appear.
5. Choose the field data type.
Boolean: Results in a toggle switch indicating a yes/no data type
Date/Time: Allows users to capture date and time as the answer to the custom question.
List: Will populate a custom dropdown list. If selected, use the "dropdown values" tab to create list choices.
Integer/Number: Allows users to enter a number to answer the custom question. Assign a minimum and maximum value, if necessary, as well as decimal places allowed.
Text/String: Allows users to free type text into a text box to answer the custom question.
6. Choose if the field will be required or optional.
7. Define the field.
8. Custom fields can be activated or deactivated without the need to delete. Also, custom fields can be edited under the actions column.
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Purpose To explain how to create and manage custom fields within NFIRS reports. Video Directions 1. Navigate to Fire Incident Setup via Incident Documentation. 2. Click on Field Management. 3. To add a new custom field, click on Custom Field ...