NFIRS export settings NJ

NFIRS export settings NJ


  1. To guide you through NFIRS Export .


Effective January 1, 2024, for data efficiency and analytical reasons, all Fire Departments will discontinue sending their NFIRS Reports to the NJ Division of Fire Safety, NFIRS Unit. All NFIRS Reporting in New Jersey will be sent directly to the United States Fire Administration eNFIRS data entry tool.

Those individuals responsible for sending NFIRS Reports in Fire Departments that have third party software vendors, will need to obtain a eNFIRS New User Account. This can be done by going to the NFIRS FEMA Login page.

See Attached bulletin from New Jersey Department of Community Affairs / Division of Fire Safety at the bottom of this page.


  1. Navigate to Incident Documentation > NFIRS Setup.

  2. On the landing page select the General section.

  3. Enable NFIRS Incident exporting.

    1. Example - If checked it will enable NFIRS exporting.  The export will be sent to the email address listed.

  4.  When the NFIRS export is enabled you will have the following choices:

    1. (ANFIRS report method
      1. Immediate upon Authorization - Exports an incident immediately upon its authorization
      2. Deferred, upon Authorization - Exports authorized incidents on a interval selected in "NFIRS export frequency"

    2. (BNFIRS export frequency
      1. Weekly - Exports once weekly on the day selected.
      2. Monthly - Exports once a month on the day selected.
      3. Quarterly -  Exports once a quarter on the day you have selected (see example below)

    3. (CNFIRS export day
      1. Weekly  - Select the day of the week to export.
      2. Monthly - Select the day in the month to export. If you select the 30th or 31st of the month, then for months without that date (e.g., Feb), the export will occur on the last relevant day of the month (e.g., Feb 28).
      3. Quarterly - Select the day in the month after the end of the quarter to export.  (e.g., Q1 ends March 31; if you select "2", the export will occur April 2)
        1. Q1 ends March 31; Export will occur in April on day selected
        2. Q2 ends June 30; Export will occur in July on day selected
        3. Q3 ends September 30; Export will occur in October on day selected
        4. Q4 ends December 31; Export will occur in January on day selected

          NOTE: Exports occur on midnight on the day selected.

  5. Enable NFIRS
    Department exporting.  You can chose to export them (A) Immediately or Monthly, if Monthly is selected you can choose the day of the month (B).

    NOTE: Setting the export to Immediate will export the file by 1900 on the day any change is made to personnel or apparatus data.

  6.  Add the Email Address's to send exports by selecting the Add button.   Enter the Email Address into the field and select the Save button.

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