Selecting your Availability or Unavailability

Selecting your Availability or Unavailability


  1. To show how to set your availability or unavailability. 



  1. Your department has the ability to change how you show when you are available, or unavailable.
  2. Depending on the selection that they choose in the settings, you may be able to:
    1. Select your availability dependent on apparatus assignments.
    2. Select days that you are unavailable. 
    3. Select days you are available (without the ability to choose the assignments you are available for)


1. Click on Scheduling> My Shifts.

Availability based on Assignments

2. Select a day that you are off.

Select a day that you are off.

3. Fill in the Assignments that you are available for, as well as the start and end time. Click Save when done.

Fill in the Assignments that you are available for, as well as the start and end time. Click Save when done

Marking Unavailable

4. Select a day that you are off.

Select a day that you are off.

5. Set the start and end time for when you are unavailable, then click Set as Unavailable.

Set the start and end time for when you are unavailable, then click Set as Unavailable.

Marking Available

6. Select a day that you are off.

Select a day that you are off.

7. Set the Start and End time, then click Set as Available.

Set the Start and End time, then click Set as Available.

8. To set multiple days of availability or unavailability, select Multiple Selection.

To set multiple days of availability or unavailability, select Multiple Selection.

9. Click on the days that you want to set and ensure the blue bar appears at the top.

Click on the days that you want to set and ensure the blue bar appears at the top.

10. Click on Done.

Click on Done.

11. You will then be able to follow the same steps above depending on your departments settings. 

You will then be able to follow the same steps above depending on your departments settings.

12. Finally, ensure that your availability shows appropriately on the My Shifts Calendar.

Finally, ensure that your availability shows appropriately on the My Shifts Calendar.

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