Mutual Aid Summary Report

Mutual Aid Summary Report


  1. To explain how to navigate the Mutual Aid Summary Report.
  2. This report breaks down the different types of mutual aid responses over a set date range. 



1. Navigate to Reports and click on Incidents.

Navigate to Reports and click on Incidents.

2. Select the report type then click on Mutual Aid Summary.

Select the report type then click on Mutual Aid Summary.

3. The Mutual Aid Summary will be displayed.

The Mutual Aid Summary will be displayed.

4. Click on the download button to download a .png of the pie chart.

Click on the download button to download a .png of the pie chart.

5. Click on any of the legend icons on the right to remove them from the current pie chart.

Click on any of the legend icons on the right to remove them from the current pie chart.

6. Click on any section of the pie chart for a detailed view of that section.

Click on any section of the pie chart for a detailed view of that section.

7. A list view will display.

A list view will display.

8. Click on All Data to view a list of all data contained in the report.

Click on All Data to view a list of all data contained in the report.

9. Click on Advanced Search to adjust the filtering options for this report.

Click on Advanced Search to adjust the filtering options for this report.

10. The available parameters will be displayed and can be adjusted.

The available parameters will be displayed and can be adjusted.

11. Click on Search to run the report based on the updated parameters.

Click on Search to run the report based on the updated parameters.

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