Mobile App: Car Play

Mobile App: Car Play


  1. When connected to a vehicles CarPlay, First Due will route user to the incident.


  1. Connect mobile device to your vehicles CarPlay.  

  2. Select on the First Due app from CarPlay screen.

  3. The app opens on an Incidents page.

    Using the Blue chevrons () on the right allows user to scroll through incidents.

  4. Select an Incident from the list.

  5. Clicking Respond, will route you to that incident from current location.

    Respond only routes to the incident, this is not tied to the Status Response buttons or Dispatch.

  6. To zoom in or out on the map by using the  or .  

  7. To center on the incident by selecting 

  8. To center on your location by selecting .

    First Due defaults on users location but if looking around on map and become uncentered using this will re-center around your current location.

  9. Selecting will bring user back to the incidents list.

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