Receiving medications

Receiving medications


To demonstrate on how to enter received medications.



1. Navigate to Medications then you can select either Med Kits or Med Supply.

Navigate to Medications then you can select either Med Kits or Med Supply.

2. Click on Receive.

Click on Receive.

3. From the Source dropdown select where you are receiving the medication from.

From the Source dropdown select where you are receiving the medication from.

4. Click on Add Med.

Click on Add Med.

5. Select what medication is being received from the dropdown.
  1. Narrow the list of medications by using the search bar.

Select what medication is being received from the dropdown.

6. Fill the fields:
  1. Lot #
  2. Expiration Date
  3. Location - Use the dropdown to select where the medication is going to be located.
  4. Quantity - Use the arrows to reflect how much medication was received

7. Select the + next to Add Group if receiving other medications, then repeat step 6.
  1. If the Group needs to be deleted select the trash can icon.

8. Once medications are added select Save.

Once medications are added select Save.

9. Click on Sign.

Click on Sign

10. Click on the pencil icon to sign for receiving the medication.

Click on the pencil icon to sign for receiving the medication.

11. Select who will sign for the witness of the medication being received.

Select who will sign for the witness of the medication being received.

12. If it is a user from a outside agency fill in the:
  1. Name. 
  2. ID Type.
  3. License/ID Number.
  4. Agency. 
Then, have them sign by selecting the pencil icon in the Witness signature box. 

13. If the witness is someone in your system, select their name from the list and have them sign by selecting the pencil in the witness box then select Save.

If the witness is someone in your system, select their name from the list and have them sign by selecting the pencil in the witness box then select Save.

14. Indication alert that the medication has been received successfully.

Indication alert that the medication has been received successfully.

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