Medication Log

Medication Log


  1. To explain how to use the Medication Log. 



1. Click on Medications.

Click on Medications.

2. Click on Med Log.

Click on Med Log.

3. The Med Log Grid will appear giving a detailed look at actions taken in the Medication module. 

The Med Log Grid will appear giving a detailed look at actions taken in the Medication module.

4. Filters are available at the top of the screen to adjust the items present in the log. 

Filters are available at the top of the screen to adjust the items present in the log.

5. Click on Expand button if you cannot see all of the filters initially. 

Click on Expand button if you cannot see all of the filters initially.

6. Click on Apply.

Click on Apply.

7. Any of the headers can be selected to sort columns alphanumerically. 

Any of the headers can be selected to sort columns alphanumerically.

8. For a closer look at any item in the log, click the Eye under actions. 

For a closer look at any item in the log, click the Eye under actions.

9. This will give a detailed look at the selected log item. 

This will give a detailed look at the selected log item.

10. Click on View Signatures to see signatures associated with the current log entry. 

Click on View Signatures to see signatures associated with the current log entry.

11. The signature box will appear. 

The signature box will appear.

12. Click on Back to return to the Med Log. 

Click on Back to return to the Med Log.

13. The number of rows per page can be adjusted at the bottom of the page. 

The number of rows per page can be adjusted at the bottom of the page.

14. Click on the Download button to download a .csv version of the Med Log. 

Click on the Download button to download a .csv version of the Med Log.

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