Purpose To explain the settings tab within the medications module. Video Directions 1. Navigate to the Medications module. 2. Click on Setup. 3. Click on Settings. 4. Click on Requires Count to require a medication count to be performed, 5. Click on ...
Purpose To explain how enable Notifications within the Activities module. Video Directions 1. Click on Activities. 2. Click on Setup. 3. Click on Notifications. 4. Click on Send notification to assigned users. If enabled then the assigned user will ...
Purpose To demonstrate the function of the Report Settings tab within Fire Incident Setup. Video Directions 1. Navigate to Incident Documentation -> Fire Incident Setup -> Report Settings. 2. The default Peak Hours range is 8am to 5pm Monday - ...
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Fill from the Call Shifts sub-module. Mandatory Fills are initiated to Force Hire an individual, whereas a Call Shift is a request for an individual to work. Initiating a Mandatory Fill from the Call ...
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Force from the Shift Board. Mandatory Force is used when you must fill a vacancy, think force hiring. Call Shifts are used to attempt to get someone to volunteer before it reaches this step. Initiating a ...