Managing Fire Prevention Teams

Managing Fire Prevention Teams


  1. To explain management of fire prevention teams. 



1. Click on Admin.

Click on Admin.

2. Click on Fire Prevention Teams.

Click on Fire Prevention Teams.

3. Teams can be filtered by Team Name or User.

Teams can be filtered by Team Name or User.

4. The list of teams can also be downloaded by selecting the download button.

The list of teams can also be downloaded by selecting the download button.

5. Click on Add Team to create a new team.

Click on Add Team to create a new team.

6. Columns for the list can be seen at the top of the list. By selecting any column header, the list will be sorted alphanumerically by that column.

Columns for the list can be seen at the top of the list. By selecting any column header, the list will be sorted alphanumerically by that column.

7. There are four Actions associated with Fire Prevention Teams. From left to right, these actions are Deactivate, Edit, Delete, and View Members.

There are four Actions associated with Fire Prevention Teams. From left to right, these actions are Deactivate, Edit, Delete, and View Members.

8. By selecting the View Members action, a list of the team members and contact information will be available.

By selecting the View Members action, a list of the team members and contact information will be available.

9. Additional rows can be seen per page by adjusting the items available per page.

Additional rows can be seen per page by adjusting the items available per page.

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