1. Begin by navigating to the Training module then select Manage Certifications.
2. Filter certificates by using the dropdown to select which certificate or certificates then select Apply.
3. By selecting on the x next to the certificate or Reset button will clear filtered certificates, you can also add or remove certificates from the grid by selecting the Edit button.
4. Columns can then be sorted in ascending / descending order by selecting on the column header.
5. From the Show dropdown you are able to select what columns to appear in the grid.
- User is the only column that can not be deselected.
6. You are able to choose how many records will display on the screen along with downloading the displayed screen to a csv file.
7. From the Actions column you are able to track certificates along with manage expiration dates.
- To track select on the ( > ) right arrow icon.
- To manage expirations select on the calendar icon.
8. When selecting the right arrow to track certificates, you are able to view hours for that certificate.
9. When selecting on the calendar icon a modal will display where you are able to manage expiration dates.
10. To associate a user to a certificate select on Add New User.
11. Within the Add New User modal select a certificate from the dropdown to associate users to.
- You can filter the list by typing in the text box.
12. In the Share with section select in the box and either begin typing to filter list or scroll through the list and select user or users.
13. When completed select Add to then associate the new user/s to the selected certificate.