1. Click on Invoicing.
2. Click on Invoice List.
3. Expand Advanced Search and select or enter any needed Advanced Search fields and select Apply.
4. Select Edit to Apply Payment or make adjustments to an Invoice.
5. Click on Apply Payment.
6. Option 1: To apply a full payment to the Invoice, update the date (if needed) (#1), select Full (#2), select the Payment Type (#3) (selecting check will require a check number to be entered #4), enter a note (#5) and then select Apply (#6).
7. Option 2: To apply a partial payment to the Invoice, update the date (if needed) (#1), select Partial (#2), requires an amount to be entered (#3), select the Payment Type (#4), selecting check will require a check number to be entered (#5) enter a note (#6),and then select Apply.
8. Option 3: To apply a payment by Line Item, update the date (if needed) (#1), select Pay Line Item (#2), select the Payment Type (#3), selecting check will require a check number to be entered (#4), select line item(s) (#5), enter a note (#6), and then select Apply (#7).
- Note: Selecting all line items will change the Payment Applied to Full.
- NOTE: The Pay Line Item option is disabled if a Discount has been applied to the Invoice.
9. To write off the Invoice, click on Write Off.
10. Select Write Off approver and a reason, then select apply.
11. To apply a discount to the Invoice, click on Discount.
12. To apply the discount, update the date (if needed), select the discount approver, enter the amount for the discount or select percentage and enter a percentage for the discount, enter a reason, and then select Apply.
13. Click on Sent to Collections to mark the Invoice as Sent to Collections.
14. When done applying a payment or making other adjustments, click on Close.
15. If prompted to Save, select Yes.
16. To make a refund, select Reopen from the Actions Column.
18. To apply a refund, update the date (if needed), select refund approver, select full or partial refund (enter the amount for a partial refund), select payment type (if a check enter the check number), enter a reason, then click on Apply.
19. Refund example:
20. Print or send the updated Invoice as per your agency requirements.
21. If prompted to Save, select Yes.