Inventory List: Creating New Inventory

Inventory List: Creating New Inventory


  1. The purpose of this article is to inform users how to create a new inventory item in the First Due system.



1. Select the Inventory List in the Assets Module.

2. Click on New Inventory.

4. Make the appropriate selections.

Make the appropriate selections.

  1. Inventory Group - Select the inventory group that the inventory belongs to. (i.e. medical supplies, cleaning supplies, etc.)
  2. Name (required) - The display name of the inventory item
  3. SKU # - This field allows a SKU number to be associated with an inventory item. 
  4. Packaging - Select from the packaging types that are available. (Packaging types are managed in Assets > Setup > Inventory > Packaging)
  5. Description - A description of the inventory item
  6. Quantity - Toggling this switch on enables users to specify a quantity when adding this inventory item to a pouch, compartment, or storage. 
  7. Min - Toggling this switch on enables users to specify a minimum par level of the inventory for a specified location. 
  8. Notify Below Min - Clicking the box enables notifications to be sent when par levels fall below a specified minimum. (Notifications are managed in Assets > Setup > Notification > Notify on below minimum items)
  9. Max - Toggling this switch on enables users to specify a maximum par level of the inventory for a specified location.
  10. Expiration Date - Toggling this switch on enables users to specify an expiration date associated with the inventory for a specified location.
  11. Required field - Clicking the box makes the expiration date a requirement when added inventory to a location.

Alert:  Creating an inventory item DOES NOT add quanities of any inventory to a particular location.  Creation of an inventory item only makes it available in the First Due system to be added when creating/editing a pouch, compartment, or storage. 

5. When finished, Click the Save icon.

When finished, Click the Save icon.

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