Purpose To provide descriptions for the various permissions related to the Reports module: Use the "Search Permission" field to quickly find a module’s permission(s) Permissions for the Reports Module Ad-Hoc Report Related Permissions Ad-Hoc Reports ...
Purpose To explain how to navigate the Major Fires Report. An incident is considered a Major Fire if property damage is greater than $100. Video Directions 1. From the Reports Module, click on Incidents. 2. Change the Report Type to Major Fires. 3. ...
Purpose To explain the Payroll Report for the Scheduling module. How is This Report Helpful? This report is helpful when you need to export payroll information into other programs used by payroll/HR departments. This report can also be used to verify ...
Purpose To explain the Inspection Progress report. How is this report helpful? This report allows you to track the statuses of your Inspections. Video Instructions Navigate to Reports > Inspections. The Inspection Progress report is the default ...
Purpose To explain the Payroll Summary Report for the Scheduling module. How is this report helpful? This report can be used for organizations that provide payroll summaries for input into payroll systems. This report will give you a summary of hours ...