To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Force from the Shift Board.
Mandatory Force is used when you must fill a vacancy, think force hiring. Call Shifts are used to attempt to get someone to volunteer before it reaches this step.
Initiating a Mandatory Force from the Shift Board allows you to fill the vacancy within the assignment, freeing you from having to remember to put the individual in later.
1. Click on Scheduling > Shift Board.
2. Select the vacancy that you need to fill.
3. Hover overtop Fill Vacancy and select Mandatory Fill.
4. Choose a qualifier, and by selecting the Advanced Options you can filter further down by:
5. Click on Generate List when you are ready.
6. The settings you chose will appear at the top, and the users in the list will appear below.
7. You can move a individual without forcing them by clicking the down arrow.
8. You can force a individual by clicking the checkmark.
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Fill from the Call Shifts sub-module. Mandatory Fills are initiated to Force Hire an individual, whereas a Call Shift is a request for an individual to work. Initiating a Mandatory Fill from the Call ...
Purpose To explain how to place individuals on leave from the shift board. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling >Shift Board. 2. Drag the user that you are putting off to the time off section of the scheduling deputy. 3. You can also right click ...
Purpose To explain how to send shift reminders. IMPORTANT: Personnel and Scheduling modules have split. This article and video tell you to access the Personnel Module. You should instead access the Scheduling Module. Video Sending Reminders Navigate ...
Purpose To explain how to initiate a call shift from a vacancy on the shift board. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling >Shift Board. 2. Click on a vacancy that needs to be filled. 3. Hover over Fill Vacancy and then select Initiate Call Shift. ...
Purpose To explain how to print the Shift Board. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Shift Board. 2. Click on the Print Icon. 3. Choose the options that you want on the printout. You can: Filter down between Assignments or Boards. Include Time ...