Initiating a Mandatory Fill from Call Shifts

Initiating a Mandatory Fill from Call Shifts


  1. To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Fill from the Call Shifts sub-module.
  2. Mandatory Fills are initiated to Force Hire an individual, whereas a Call Shift is a request for an individual to work. 
  3. Initiating a Mandatory Fill from the Call Shifts sub-module does not place an individual within an assignment, but allows you to place them on the schedule where needed. 



1. Click on Scheduling > Call Shifts.

2. Click on Mandatory.

Click on Mandatory.

3. Click on New Mandatory Fill.

Click on New Mandatory Fill.

4. Here you can set the:
  • Start Date and Time.
  • End Date and Time.

5. You can choose the qualifier needed, and filter further down using Advanced Options. This will allow you to filter by:
  • Groups. 
  • Ranks. 
  • Rotations.

6. Click on Generate List when ready.

Click on Generate List when ready.

7. The settings you choose will appear at the top, and the users in the list will appear below. 

The settings you chose will appear at the top, and the users in the list will appear below.

8. You can move a individual without forcing them by clicking the down arrow. 

You can move a individual without forcing them by clicking the down arrow.

9. You can force a individual by clicking the checkmark. 

You can force a individual by clicking the checkmark.

10. They will be marked Forced. 

They will be marked Forced.
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