Incident Type Breakdown Report

Incident Type Breakdown Report


  1. To explain the Incident Type Breakdown Report for the Incident Documentation module.

How is this report helpful?

  1. This report provides a summary chart of incident response count by NFIRS incident type categories (100, 200, 300, etc.)

  2. The data source for this report is the Actual Incident Type found within incident documentation.

  3. Excellent for presentation to stakeholders, decision-makers, and the community.

  4. This report has the following parameter/filter:
    1. Date Interval

  5. By selecting "All Data" within the report, the table view provides the following elements:
    1. Incident Address
    2. Incident Number
    3. Alarm Date/Time
    4. Fire Zone



  1. Navigate to Reports > Incidents.

  2. Select Incident Type Breakdown from the Report Type dropdown.

  3. The report will immediately run with the default Date Interval of "All Dates".

  4. Select Advanced Search to change the Date Interval parameter.

  5. Select Search to update the report results.

  6. Select   to enter focus view (enlarges chart to full screen).

  7. Select  to download the chart to a .png file for further sharing.

  8. Select "All Data" to view the table view.

  9. Select a "Page" button to navigate to a specific page.

  10. Select a "View Count" button to display selected number of rows on a single page view.

  11. Select  to download the report into a CSV file.

  12. For reference, please see sample CSV file attached to this KBA.

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