General Subsection

General Subsection


  1. The purpose of this article is to help navigate and explain the features in the General sub-section.



1. From the Fire Incident Setup navigate to the General sub-section within the General section.

From the Fire Incident Setup navigate to the General sub-section within the General section.

2. Using the dropdown to select the Time Measure you want to keep deleted Fire incidents before they are permanently removed.

  1. There are two choices:  Days or Hours.

Using the dropdown to select the Time Measure you want to keep deleted Fire incidents before they are permanently removed.

3. Now set the number of Days or Hours to keep the deleted incidents before becoming permanently removed.

Now set the number of Days or Hours to keep the deleted incidents before becoming permanently removed.

4. Set a number in minutes that will remove someone from a fire incident report if they remain idle on the screen.

Set a number in minutes that will remove someone from a fire incident report if they are idle on the screen.

5. Using the dropdown you are able to select how the dispatch incident type will display.

Using the dropdown you are able to select how the dispatch incident type will display.

Example of Dispatch Incident Type dropdown when completing a report.

6. From the dropdown select a default date range for the Fire Incident List to display.

From the dropdown select a default date range for the Fire Incident List to display.

7. If enabling the ability to let users create blank incidents from scratch will populate two other choices:

  1. Use Automatic Incident Numbering - Will begin on day one following your incident numbering format.
  2. Leave incident number blank - Will allow for you to enter an incident number each time and will not auto populate the next available number.

NOTE - This option will create the +Add New button on the Fire Incident List.

8. If enabled any device that is logged in as a unit rather than a user will have the ability to start or complete incidents from the Fire Incident List Actions column.

If enabled any device that is logged in as a unit rather than a user will have the ability to start or complete incidents from the Fire Incident List Actions column.

9. Enable if you wish to have the numeric codes visible to users when completing a fire incident.

Example: Actions taken: "86-Investigate" vs. "Investigate"

Enable if you wish to have the numeric codes visible to users when completing a fire incident.

10. Enabling CAD Refresh button will allow users to update/refresh their data with the most current CAD data.

Web version:

App version:

11. Choose if you want to use or set when to use the NFIRS Wildland Form for Outdoor Fires.

  1. Always will always enable the NFIRS Wildland Form within the incident report. 
  2. Never will disable the NFIRS Wildland Form within the incident report. 
  3. Per Incident enables the report writer to choose whether or not to use the NFIRS Wildland Form within the incident report.

12. Choose if you wish to populate information into the incident report from the Occupancy Record.

Information that can be populated:

  1. Demographics/Info - Building Status, Property Use, Pre-Incident Property Value
  2. Area - Length, Width, Total Area, Floors above grade, Floors below grade
  3. Construction - Structure Type
  4. Contacts - People involved

Choose if you wish to populate information into the incident report from the Occupancy Record.

13. Choose to Enable Fire Incident Export.

Fire Incident report method:

Immediate upon Authorization - Exports an incident immediately upon its authorization.
Deferred, upon Authorization - Exports authorized incidents on a interval selected in "NFIRS export frequency"
Fire Incident export frequency:
  1. Weekly - Exports once weekly on the day selected.
  2. Monthly - Exports once a month on the day selected.
  3. Quarterly -  Exports once a quarter on the day you have selected (see example below)
Fire Incident export day:
  1. Weekly  - Select the day of the week to export.
  2. Monthly - Select the day in the month to export. If you select the 30th or 31st of the month, then for months without that date (e.g., Feb), the export will occur on the last relevant day of the month (e.g., Feb 28).
  3. Quarterly - Select the day in the month after the end of the quarter to export.  (e.g., Q1 ends March 31; if you select "2", the export will occur April 2)

Choose to Enable Fire Incident Export.

14. Department exporting. You can choose to export them Immediately or Monthly, if Monthly is selected you can choose the day of the month.

Department exporting.  You can choose to export them Immediately or Monthly, if Monthly is selected you can choose the day of the month

15. Select the Add to enter an email address to send the exports to.

Select the Add to enter an email address to send the exports to

16. Remember to always select Save when completed.

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