Yes, Ad Hoc data sources with natural relationships between each other can be combined. From the
Data Source Configuration tab, select the primary source you wish to build the report from. If a source
can be joined with others, an “Add Child” button will appear that will provide a list of available sources
that can be joined. Columns from all sources can then be utilized in the report.
Reporting logic specified in the Criteria tab of an Ad Hoc report is foundational to the report itself and
is executed each time the report is generated. Filters provide options for additional data manipulation after a report is generated. Imagine a department with a scheduling report that should always return
data associated with certain Work Types but is used to look at data from varying date intervals. The
restriction on Work Types is an unchanging parameter and is best handled in the Criteria section of the
report. Since date ranges can vary – or not be applied at all – it is best handled by a filter, which gives the
user running the report the ability to specify the parameters without having to edit the report Criteria
“FDR” stands for First Due Reports. These are globally applicable reports that are placed in each
client’s account by the First Due Reporting & Platform team, with a goal of providing easy access to
completed and vetted reports on common topics of interest. Please visit this First Due Report Knowledge
Base article for more information.
Some FDRs – ones that were constructed using the native functionality in Ad Hoc – can be cloned and
modified to better suit local needs (adding additional columns, filtering on specific fields, etc.). More
complex FDRs may have required custom development outside of Ad Hoc and cannot be modified.
First Due Reports are global. We want all customers to have access to them. You may eventually have
that module. We created a folder system that should help
to keep them out of sight if they are not relevant to your operations. In the meantime, all Ad
Hoc reports have unique URLs. This means you can use your browser’s folder system to organize your
favorite reports for quick access.
Many departments are using Certifications for this. Some previous vendors had a concept of “expiring
items” rather than one of “Certifications.” The data points are essentially the same – the name of the
record type, the start date of a period, the end date, some notes and potentially an attachment. For
now, Certifications is a great way to document these items because they are also directly visible on the
Personnel record!