First Due SFTP Connector Installation Guide

First Due SFTP Connector Installation Guide


  1. The following guide is designed to assist you with setting up First Due's SFTP Connector on a local server. 
  2. Download the Connector Installer (attached to this article - at the bottom) to begin at Step 1.


  1. A supported version of Windows Server - see Microsoft's support page for a list of currently supported versions: Windows Server Release Information
  2. .NET 4.8 
  3. Additionally, an allow rule will have to be created to allow all traffic to and from the SFTP host that is included in the credentials provided. 



  1. 1. Open the zip drive by right clicking the zip folder and then click "Extract All".


  1. When clicking on extract all, you will have the opportunity to select where you want the extracted folder to be placed. By default, it extracts to the same location that the zip file is currently in. Once you’ve selected your extraction location click extract. 



  1. 2. Click on Common.sFTP.Connector.v1.XX.X.PROD 


  1. 3. Click on Common.sFTP.Connector.v1.XX.X.PROD a second time and it should bring you a window that looks like similar to what you see below:



  1. Next, right click on setup and select Run as Administrator.


  1. 4. You will get a UAC prompt (below), select Yes.

  1. 5. From here you will get a screen that says Welcome to First Due – sFTP Connector Setup Wizard – Click Next.


  1. 6. Select where the application should be installed, we recommend keeping the default location and installing for everyone. Once you’ve made your selection, click on Next. 


  1. A confirmation screen will appear, click next to confirm.


  1. 7. Once the installation completes, a configuration window will pop up. Confirm "Enable" is selected and click Next.


  1. 8. Configure the name by clicking the pencil icon.

  1. Then, enter the connection code/name and click OK.

  1. 9. Enter information for:

  1. Host name 

  1. Port 

  1. Username 

  1. Password  

  1. 10. Select the folder icon in the "Input Folder" field.  

  1. Select the folder path where CAD is sending files and click OK.


  1. 11. Select the folder path that that you want to send processed files to for archive purposes. 


  1. 12. Click on TEST to test the connection.

  1. If the connection is successful, the following confirmation message will appear:


  1. 13. Click on Next 

  1. 14. Set your desired sync frequency and ensure enable logging is checked and click next. 

  1. IMPORTANT – if this connector is going to be used for an integration involving dispatches it is recommended to stick with the default or as close to the default sync frequency as possible to ensure the timely delivery of data. 


  1. 15. Click Finish. 


  1. 16. To confirm the service is running hit windows key + R and type services.msc 


  1. 17. Look for the “First Due sFTP Connector Service” and confirm it has a status of “Running”.



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