1. From the Incident Documentation module navigate to the Fire Incident Setup and select the Department fields management.
2. From the FDID section you are able to add or edit any existing FDID's.
- Actions column allows to to disable or delete existing FDID's.
- Default column allows you to set which FDID will be your default.
3. Select on + Add New FDID to begin adding a new FDID.
4. Enter the FDID number then give it a name.
List of Response Zones
1. From the List of Response Zones you are able to add/remove or edit any existing zones.
2. To create a new zone select on the + Add New Response Zone.
3. Enter a name for the new zone.
4. To remove a zone select on the x next to the zone.
5. Once you have completed creating / editing Zones or FDID's select Save.