Apparatus List: Navigating the Apparatus List

Apparatus List: Navigating the Apparatus List


The purpose of this article is to explain the features and functions of the Apparatus List.

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1. Click on the Apparatus List in the Assets Module

2. Selecting the New Apparatus button will allow users to add apparatus into the account.

3. Selecting column headers will sort items in ascending or descending order for the selected column.

4. Selecting the chevron or ellipsis will open up all of the available actions for apparatus items.

  1. Pencil: Edit the Apparatus Record
  2. Trashcan: Delete the Apparatus
  3. File Box: Archive the Apparatus

5. Selecting the dropdown arrow will bring up the list of available views.

6. The Master View includes all fields within the apparatus record including specification fields based on NFRIS Apparatus Type.

7. Selecting the pin will make that View the default view for that user when accessing the Apparatus List. Selecting the star will add that View as a Favorite View.

8. Selecting the ellipsis on an open view offers options as to what can be done with that view: - Add View allows users to create their own custom view. - Clone will allow users to copy, then customize any available views to their specific needs.

Edit and Delete will only be available on Custom Views

9. Selecting the magnifying glass will open up the search bar.

Typing in a portion of or the full value of most fields will return results:

Selecting the magnifying glass will open up the search bar

12. Selecting the Filter will open the list of filtering options.

Selecting the pin will open the filter options when opening the Apparatus List

13. Selecting the boxes to the left of the Apparatus will enable Bulk Operations to Archive or Delete the selected Apparatus.

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