2. Click on Equipment List.
3. Select the Chevron to Open the Actions then, Select the Import Wizard.
4. Locate and upload the equipment .csv file that is to be imported into First Due.
5. Click on Next.
6. The First Due data fields will be listed in the left column. Select the column of the imported .csv file from the dropdown that corresponds to the First Due data fields.
Note: Mandatory First Due fields are denoted with (*)
7. When all columns have been mapped, click Next.
8. If there are formatting errors the system will advise which equipment and the reason for the import error. If there are no formatting errors, skip to step 12.
9. To exit the import wizard to make corrections, click Close.
10. When all formatting errors have been corrected and saved in the .csv file, repeat steps 1 - 7.
11. If there are no formatting errors, the system will advise that the records are ready for import.
12. Click on Next.
13. The system will display that the import was successful.
14. Click on Finish.