Documenting an Exposure - Personnel

Documenting an Exposure - Personnel


  1. The purpose of this article is to explain and demonstrate the Personnel Exposed section when completing an Exposure.



1. From the Personnel Exposed section to begin documenting personnel select the + Add button.

If continuing or editing existing personnel start at step 4.

2. From the Add Personnel Exposed modal search for the person or persons to add to the exposure.

Scroll through the names along with selecting how many names to display per page, advance pages by selecting the Next or Previous buttons.

From the Add Personnel Exposed modal search for the person or persons to add to the exposure.

3. Utilizing the Search field to type in the name and select the magnify glass or Enter to filter the list.

Select the check box or boxes then select Add.

Utilizing the Search field to type in the name and select the magnify glass or Enter to filter the list.

4. Once a person has been added or if editing an existing person exposed, the three dots will allow you to delete that person.

Once a person has been added or if editing an existing person exposed, the three dots will allow you to delete that person.

5. Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to begin documenting the exposure.

Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to begin documenting the exposure.

6. With every Exposure Type there will be the General Info tab, this is where you can modify Exposure Types and add a narrative.

It is important to note that any custom exposure types created will only allow for the General Info, while the Biological, Chemical, Physical and Traumatic allows to document further exposure information.

With every Exposure Type there will be the General Info tab, this is where you can modify Exposure Types and add a narrative.

7. Using the dropdown you are able to select or deselect any exposure types.

Using the dropdown you are able to select or deselect any exposure types.

8. Enabling the toggle will indicate that there were particles of incomplete combustion present.

Enabling the toggle will indicate that there were particles of incomplete combustion present.

9. Using the Narrative field to begin documenting any information about the exposure.

Using the Narrative field to  begin documenting any information about the exposure.

10. If the exposure was Biological there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

If the exposure was Biological there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

11. If the exposure was Chemical there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

If the exposure was Chemical there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

12. If the exposure was Physical there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

If the exposure was Physical there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

13. If the exposure was Traumatic there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

If the exposure was Traumatic there will be a tab to select and gather pertinent information.

14. From the Attachments tab select the + Add to document any files or images.

15. You can then drag and drop files or select files from you device then select Add.

You can view any file with the eye icon or remove that file with the x.
Note the file types that are accepted and a total max of 256MB.

You can then drag and drop files or select files from you device then select Add.

16. If attachments were added from the actions column you can view, add a caption or delete that attachment.

  1. Eye icon - opens the attachment for viewing
  2. Pencil icon - allows to add a caption
  3. Trashcan Icon - deletes the attachment

If attachments were added from the actions column you can view, add a caption or delete that attachment.

17. Selecting the Pencil icon will populate a modal so that you can enter a Caption for the attachment then select Update.

Selecting the Pencil icon will populate a modal so that you can enter a Caption for the attachment then select Update.

18. Selecting the Trashcan icon will display a warning modal before deleting the attachment.

Selecting the Trashcan icon will display a warning modal before deleting the attachment.

19. Once completed with the Attachments select Update.

Once completed with the Attachments select Update.

20. All attachments can be found in the Attachments Log section.

From here you can now move to the Associated Records, Save or Complete the Exposure.

If selecting Complete this will lock the Exposure incident and you will no longer be able to edit any existing information.

All attachments can be found in the Attachments Log section.

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