Documenting an Exposure - Associated Records

Documenting an Exposure - Associated Records


  1. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the Associated Records section and the ability to link incidents to the Exposure.



1. From the Associated Records section when documenting allows you to link an incident to the Exposure.

From the Associated Records section when documenting allows you to link an incident to the Exposure.

2. To link an Incident begin by selecting the + Add button.

3. Within the Add Associated Records modal search for the incident by scrolling or utilizing the search bar.

When searching you can search by Incident Number, Address, Complaint or Station.

Within the Add Associated Records modal search for the incident by scrolling or utilizing the search bar.

4. Select the checkbox next to the correct incident then select Add.

Within the Actions column you can view any incident by selecting the Eye icon. You are also able to Link multiple incidents if needed.

Select the checkbox next to the correct incident then select Add.

5. Once an incident has been linked it will appear in the Associated Records.

From the Actions column you are able to view or unlink an incident.
  1. Eye icon - to view
  2. Chain link - to unlink

Once an incident has been linked it will appear in the Associated Records.

6. You are also able to bulk unlink incidents utilizing the check boxes then the chain link button next to the + Add.

7. After selecting to unlink an incident a modal will populate having you confirm the process.

After selecting to unlink an incident a modal will populate having you confirm the process.

8. Once all Associated Records has been entered you are now able to Save or Complete the Exposure.

Note that once you select Complete that Exposure becomes locked and no longer editable.

Once all Associated Records has been entered you are now able to Save or Complete the Exposure.

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