Dispatch Email Link

Dispatch Email Link


  1. To provide overview of the Dispatch Email Link interface.


  1. A notification is generated upon dispatch and is sent to a First Due email address in txt or html format.  In order to ensure we have the necessary information, we require dispatches to be parsed  correctly. 

  2. Pros
    1. Quick and easy to set-up. 
    2. Often a fast delivery method. 
    3. Most CAD software systems have the ability to quickly install.

  3. Cons
    1. Limited ability to customize if CAD software has limitations on what can be sent.
    2. Often unable to send updates, call notes, narratives, and other information. (First Due can process all of these fields if CAD is unable to send)

Data Attributes

  1. In order to ensure we have the necessary information, we require dispatches to be parsed correctly.  Please see the below list of requested fields (not all are required).
  1. Time Zone for Department (Required)
  2. Time Zone CAD sends Date and Time in (Required)
  3. Incident Date (Required)
  4. Incident ID (Required)
  5. Apparatus / Unit ID (Required)
  6. Agency Identifier
  7. Call Notes / Narrative
  8. Caution Notes
  9. Common Place
  10. Date / Time of Dispatch
  11. Dispatch Type Code
  12. Dispatch Type Description
  13. Dispatch Units Assigned
  14. Incident Date
  15. Incident Number
  16. Initial Street Address
  17. Secondary Address
  18. Cross Streets
  19. City/ County Code
  20. Latitude / Longitude

Parsing Dispatches

Below is an example of our preferred message format. We always want to make sure to use a delimiter between each field.  The semi-colon (;) is our preferred delimiter since there is less chance of it appearing in other places (such as address and notes).

Call Type;Call Address;Fire District;First Unit Dispatch Date/Time;Units assigned;Incident number;Narrative

Sample Result: 

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