New Guidelines for Deleting Personnel and Users in First Due
We have implemented new guidelines regarding the deletion of personnel and users within the First Due platform.
Deletion of Personnel and User Accounts
Clients can now delete personnel records only, not user accounts. If a client needs to delete a user, they must contact their First Due agent or support for assistance.

Instead of deleting user accounts, First Due recommends inactivating them to maintain integrity of records within the system.
User Account Management
Inactivating a User
When to inactivate a user: When a person no longer works for the department or is on administrative leave, etc.
Scenario 1: User has a Personnel Record
- Apply a force logout to the user and change their status to inactive.
- If needed, change the email to a fake one to leave the real email free for a new account if the user needs it. (Ex: user leaves your agency to move to another agency also using First Due)
- Access the personnel record and change the status to inactive.
- In the personnel record, toggle off the "system user" option. This will ensure the individual is no longer a system user, preventing them from logging in or appearing in the user list, while still retaining the personnel record for documentation purposes.
Scenario 2: User does not have a Personnel Record
- Apply a force logout to the user and change their status to inactive. The user will remain in the list as inactive
- If needed, change the email to a fake one to leave the real email free for a new account if the user needs it.

If you do not see the "update user status" or "force logout" permissions in your agency's account, please
submit a support ticket so we can help turn those permissions on for your account.
Deleting a User
When to apply this scenario:
- If a user was created by error.
- If a test user is no longer needed.
You can choose to keep the user as "inactive," as described above, or delete the personnel record if it exists and is not linked to any records.

While not recommended, if you need to delete a user instead of inactivating the user account, please submit a ticket with the user's email address.
Personnel Record Deletion:
Instead of deleting personnel records, First Due recommends inactivating them (mark as resigned, terminated, etc.) to maintain integrity of records within the system.
Scenario 1: If the personnel is not linked to any ePCR records, training, or NFIRS, the personnel will be deleted, and the associated user will be inactivated and logged out of the system.
Scenario 2: If the personnel is associated with ePCR records, training, or NFIRS, a message will be displayed indicating that this personnel cannot be deleted.
You can mark personnel inactive and create a new saved list view in order to hide these records from your personnel list in the system.
Future Improvements:
This deletion workflow will be enhanced over time to incorporate checks beyond ePCR, NFIRS, and training. When these improvements are in place, the deletion option may be reinstated for clients. For now, please contact us if you need to delete a user, and we encourage you to consider the options outlined above before choosing deletion.