Creating Fire Prevention Teams

Creating Fire Prevention Teams


  1. To explain how to create a Fire Prevention Team. 



1. Click on Fire Prevention Teams under the Admin module.

Click on Fire Prevention Teams under the Admin module.

2. This will bring the user to the Fire Prevention Team list.

This will bring the user to the Fire Prevention Team list.

3. Click on Add Team.

Click on Add Team

4. Type the team name in to the text box.

Type the team name in to the text box.

5. Select all users who should be included in the team.

Select all users who should be included in the team.

6. Members can be viewed and deleted in the column on the right side of the window.

Members can be viewed and deleted in the column on the right side of the window.

7. Click on Save.

Click on Save

8. The fire prevention team has been created.

The fire prevention team has been created.

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