1. Navigate to the Permits Module.
2. Select Multi-Permit Form.
3. Here users will see the Created Date, Created by, and when and by who the form was last edited.
- Users can also add any notes to this Permit form that they would like in the Notes section.
4. Next, the user can choose the header that they would like to use.
- Logo +Text will put a logo in the left of the form and text on the space to the right.
- Header as image will stretch and image across the top of the form.
5. Here is where you can add your logo or image for your form.
6. Next, enter the Department Address Information.
7. Enter the Title that will be printed on this Permit Form.
8. Enter the Header information to be printed on form of this type.
9. Enter the Footer information to be printed on form of this type.
10. Finally select the Contact Information that should be displayed.
11. Select Save.