Web Response: Chat Groups

Web Response: Chat Groups


  1. To demonstrate how to create and edit chat groups.
NotesNOTE: To create Chat Groups, the permission Admin > Others> Chat Groups and Chat Preset Messages must be enabled.



1. Navigate to Response module then select Chat Groups.

Navigate to Response module then select Chat Groups

2. Click on New Chat Group.

Click on New Chat Group.

3. Give the Chat Group a Name (required).

Give the Chat Group a Name (Required).

4. Selecting Limit Users in this Group allows you to choose who will be able to use this Chat Group.  If "Limit Users in this Group" is unchecked, the group will be open to all users in the account with chat permissions enabled.  Use the pencil icon to select users.

5.  You can search for a user by typing a keyword into the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon.

You can search for a user by typing a keyword into the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon.

6.  Select the '+' sign to add users to the  selected users list. Select Save when finished selecting users to add to Chat Group.

7.  Select Create to finish creating a new Chat Group.
Select Create to create Chat Group

8. Chat Group column can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking on the header.

7. From the Actions column, choose the Pencil icon to edit a chat group or the Trash Can icon to delete a chat group.
Click on

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