To demonstrate how to create an Invoice while a user is recording the results of an Inspection.
1. Click on Inspections. Note: These next few steps will review the setting necessary to allow a user to generate an Invoice while recording an Inspection.
2. Click on Inspection Types.
3. Click on Billing.
4. Click on Yes to allow Inspector's to issue an Invoice from within the Inspection Record.
5. Click on Close and save the change(s).
6. Navigate to the Inspections List and access the Inspection needing an Invoice.
7. Click on Invoices in the Inspection Record.
8. Click on Add New.
9. Edit data in the Invoice header, if necessary.
10. Select Inspection Fee from Category (required).
11. Select correct Line Item Type.
12. Click on Add Line Item. Note that the Add Multiple Line Items option can be used as well.
13. Enter text to find the correct Line Item and select it.
14. Select the correct Unit.
15. Enter quantity and price, if applicable and necessary.
16. Enter notes if desired.
17. Click on Save.
18. Click on Print/Send as per agency practice's.
19. Click on Close and then "Yes" to save changes. The user will be redirected back to the Inspection Record. The Invoice will be automatically linked to the Inspection.
20. Click on Options.
21. Click on Edit to view the linked Invoice.
22. Click on Save.
23. Note the Invoice details will be viewed in the Invoice Section of the Inspection Record.
24. Complete your Inspection Record and then click on Close and save the Record.
Purpose To demonstrate how to create an invoice on the First Due Platform. Invoices can also be created from within an Inspection and from a Permit. See related Articles. Related Articles Create Invoice When Recording an Inspection Create Invoice ...
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Purpose To demonstrate how to link invoices and permits to an inspection record. Video Instructions Note: Any Invoices and Permits created while recording an Inspection are automatically linked to the Inspection. 1. Click on Link to link a Permit or ...
Purpose To demonstrate how to create an Invoice while creating a Permit. Related Articles Creating a New Permit Creating an Invoice Video Instructions 1. Click on Permits. 2. Click on Permits. 3. Click on New Permit. 4. Enter Occupancy Address, ...
Purpose To demonstrate how to resume an In Progress inspection. Video Instructions 1. Click on Inspections. 2. Click on Inspections List. 3. Click on Expand to expand advanced search. 4. Click on In Progress for Inspection Status. The user may desire ...