Completing an ePCR - 1. Response

Completing an ePCR - 1. Response


  1. To explain how to complete the Response section of an ePCR.

Related Articles

  1. Completing an ePCR - 1. Response (This Article)
  2. Completing an ePCR - 2. Information
  3. Completing an ePCR - 3. Assessment
  4. Completing an ePCR - General Assessment
  5. Completing an ePCR - 4. Vital Signs
  6. Completing an ePCR - 5. Treatments
  7. Completing an ePCR - 6. Billing, Outcomes & External Reporting
  8. Completing an ePCR - 7. Disposition & EMS Narrative
  9. Completing an ePCR - 8. Signatures


The First Due ePCR workflow is designed to follow the following a typical EMS incident:
  1. Response
  2. Information
  3. Assessment
  4. Vital Signs
  5. Treatments
  6. Billing, Outcomes & External Reporting
  7. Disposition & EMS Narrative



  1. Navigate to the Response section.

    IMPORTANT: All NEMSIS required fields are notated with an asterisk (*). Depending on your state protocols, additional information could be required.  

  2. The Crew section of Response includes the following fields:
    1. Crew Member - The crew member(s) who responded to the incident.
    2. Response RoleThe role(s) of the crew member during response, at scene treatment, and/or transport.
    3. Protective Equipment - The personal protective equipment used by the crew member.
    4. Injury Exposure Type - Any exposures the crew member possibly encountered.

  3. To add a crew member to the report, select the  button under Crew
    Crew members can be imported into the form from the First Due Scheduling Module - contact your CSM for more details

  4. The Dispatch section of Response includes the following fields:
    1. EMD Performed*Indication of whether Emergency Medical Dispatch was performed for this EMS event.
    2. EMD Card Number - Emergency Medical Dispatcher Card Number.
    3. Complaint Reported by Dispatch*The complaint dispatch reported to the responding unit.
    4. Dispatch Priority (Patient Acuity) The actual, apparent, or potential acuity of the patient's condition as determined through information obtained during the EMD process.
    5. Dispatch Center NameThe name or ID of the dispatch center providing electronic data to the PCR for the EMS agency, if applicable.
    6. Unit Dispatched CAD - Some CAD systems may use the Unit Dispatched CAD Record ID as the Patient Care Report Number.

  5. The Time section of Response includes the following fields:
Many of these times will auto-populate from CAD when using the "Download/Import CAD" button

    1. PSAP Call Date/Time*The date/time the phone rings (911 call to public safety answering point or other designated entity) requesting EMS services.
    2. Dispatch Notified Date/TimeThe date/time dispatch was notified by the 911 call taker.
    3. Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time* - The date/time the responding unit was notified.
    4. Dispatch Acknowledged Date/Time - The date/time the unit acknowledged the dispatch.
    5. Unit En Route Date/Time* - The date/time the unit went en route.
    6. Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time* - The date/time the unit arrived on scene.
    7. Arrived at Patient Date/Time* - The date/time the unit arrived at the patient.
    8. Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time - The date/time of patient care transfer from one EMS agency to another EMS agency.  
    9. Unit Left Scene Date/Time* - The date/time the unit left the scene with a patient. 
    10. Arrival at Destination Landing Area Date/Time - The date/time an Air Medical vehicle arrived at the destination landing area.
    11. Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time* - The date/time the patient arrived at the transport destination. 
    12. Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time* - The date/time patient care was transferred at the transport destination. 
    13. Unit Back in Service Date/Time* - The date/time the unit went back into service for response. 
    14. Unit Canceled Date/Time - The date/time the unit was cancelled. 
    15. Unit Back at Home Location Date/Time - The date/time the unit was back in their service area. 
    16. EMS Call Completed Date/Time - The date/time the responding unit completed all tasks associated with the event including transfer of the patient, and such things as cleaning and restocking.

  1. The Response section of Response includes the following fields:
    1. Incident Number* - The incident number assigned by the 911 Dispatch System. 
    2. Response Number* The internal EMS response number which is unique for each EMS Vehicle's (Unit) response to an incident within an EMS Agency
    3. Primary Role of the Unit* The primary role of the EMS unit which responded to this specific EMS event
    4. Type of Service Requested* - 911 response, mutual aid, intercept, etc.
    5. Standby Purpose The main reason the EMS unit is on Standby as the Primary Type of Service for the EMS event.
    6. EMS Vehicle Unit Number* - The unique physical vehicle number of the responding unit.
    7. EMS Unit Call Sign* - The EMS unit number used to dispatch and communicate with the unit. This may be the same as the EMS Vehicle/Unit Number in many agencies. 
    8. Level of Care for this Unit* - The level of care (BLS or ALS) the unit is able to provide based on the units' treatment capabilities for this EMS response.
    9. Type of Dispatch Delay* - The dispatch delays, if any, associated with the dispatch of the EMS unit to the EMS event.
    10. Type of Response Delay* - The response delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
    11. Typos of Scene Delay* - The scene delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
    12. Type of Transport Delay* - The transport delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
    13. Type of Turn Around Delay* - The turn-around delays, if any, of EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
    14. Vehicle Dispatch LocationThe geographic location of the EMS unit or crew at the time of dispatch.
    15. Vehicle Dispatch GPS Location  - The GPS coordinates associated with the EMS unit at the time of dispatch documented in decimal degrees. 
    16. Vehicle Dispatch Location US National Grid Coordinates - The US National Grid Coordinates for the EMS Vehicle's Dispatch Location.
    17. Beginning Odometer Reading - Odometer reading when dispatched. 
    18. On-Scene Odometer Reading - Odometer reading once on scene.
    19. Patient Destination Odometer Reading - Odometer reading once at patient transfer destination. 
    20. Ending Odometer Reading - Odometer reading at the completion of the incident. 
    21. Response Mode to Scene* - Emergent vs. Non-emergent. 
    22. Additional Response Mode Descriptors* - Additional response information of note. 
    23. Apparatus - Unit(s) assigned to the incident. 
      1. To add apparatus to the report, select the  button. 

  2. The Scene section of Response includes the following fields:
    1. First EMS on Scene* - Was your unit first EMS unit on scene?
    2. Number of Patients at Scene*Indicator of how many total patients were at the scene.
    3. Incident Facility CodeThe state, regulatory, or other unique number (code) associated with the facility if the Incident is a Healthcare Facility.
    4. GPS LocationThe GPS coordinates associated with the Scene.
    5. National Grid CoordinatesThe US National Grid Coordinates for the Scene.
    6. Incident Facility NameThe name of the facility, business, building, etc. associated with the scene of the EMS event.
    7. Mile Post / Major RoadwayThe mile post or major roadway associated with the incident locations.
    8. Incident Location Type* - Location property type.
    9. Address Information - Incident Address.
      1. County is required.
    10. Scene Cross Street The nearest cross street to the incident address or directions from a recognized landmark or the second street name of an intersection.
    11. Census Tract - Incident corresponding census tract.
    12. Responder - Other EMS or Public Safety Agencies at the scene.

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