Command Setup: Checklist

Command Setup: Checklist


  1. To explain how to create, edit and manage Checklists in the Command Module through Command Setup.  



1.  In Web Responder, select the Responder Module and then Command Setup.

2.   In Command Setup, select Checklist

3.  Checklists are divided into 2 areas Checklist Item Types and Checklist Items. Checklist Item Types are the categories or groups that the Checklist Items (or tasks) will be assigned.

4A.   To create a Checklist Item Type select Checklist Item Types.
4B.  Then select "+ Create Checklist Item Type".

5A.  Enter the Name of the Checklist Item Type.
5B.  Select Create.   

6.  The Checklist Item Types (as well as Checklist Items) can be edited with the Pencil icon or Archived using the File Box icon.

7A. To create a Checklist Item select Checklist Items.
7B.  Then select "+ Create Checklist Item".

8A.  Select the Checklist Item Type from the dropdown list to associate this Checklist item with.
8B.  Enter the Name of the Checklist Item.
8C.  Enter the Threshold time (if desired).
8D.  Select Create.

Remember that Checklist Items can only be associated with one Checklist Item Type. This means that if the department has multiple Checklist Items Types (BENCHMARKS & VEHICLE ROLLOVER) that both require a Checklist Item named SEARCH, it will be necessary to build multiple Checklist Items and associate one to each of the Checklist Item Types.

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