2. Levels can be selected to display the different Pre-Plan Units assigned to those levels
3. Pre-Plan Units can be accessed from the map
4. Which opens the Pre-Plan Unit selection Menu. Only 10 Pre-plan Unit Types are available and are chosen in Command Setup for each Template.
5. Pre-Plan Units can be added to the map by selecting the Prep-plan Unit from the list and then clicking on the location on the Map.
6. Pre-Plan Units can then be edited or deleted.
7. Annotations can also be added to the map. The annotation, colors, line size and other attributes is designated in Command Setup and cannot be changed.
8. To add a Annotation Line, Select Line then the starting point of the line on the map and then double click the end point. The line will then display in the color combination chosen in Command Set Up. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
9. To add a polygon, select polygon annotation and then each corner of the polygon. The polygon will then display in the prefill color combination chosen in Command Setup. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
10. To add a circle, select the circle annotation and then select the center of the circle on the map and then the radius end point of the circle. The circle will then display in the prefill color combination chosen in Command Setup. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
11. To add a rectangle, select the rectangle annotation and then select one corner of the rectangle on the map and then the opposite corner of the rectangle. The rectangle will then display in the prefill color combination chosen in Command Setup. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
12. To add Text to the map, Select the text annotation, then the location on the map to place the text. A pop up will appear where the text to display can be entered. Text can then be moved by selecting the text in the annotations column and then moving the text to the desired location. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
13. To add a measurement to the map, select measurement from the annotation list, then the starting point on the map. Multiple points can be selected. In the menu more options can be selected which allows for total distance to be measured as well as segmented and accumulative distance. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
14. To add a Arrow , Select Arrow from the list, then the ending point of the arrow and then point to the spot on the map where the arrow will be pointing to on the map and then double click the end point. A entry will also be created in the annotation list.
15. To delete any annotation, select the 'X' next to the annotation in the annotation menu on the right side of the map. Then Select confirm in the pop-up window.
16. The following items are similar to the items that appear in the Pre-Plan menu