Command: Assignments

Command: Assignments


  1. To explain how to transfer and assume command of a Command Board.  



1.  Assignment are tracked at the top of the assignment area. A ratio of open completed to open assignments is displayed and updated as assignments are added, deleted and completed.

2.  Assignments are arranged within the assignment area as configured in Command Setup. However, assignments can be reordered as needed.

3.  Each Assignments has an individual timer that starts when the first unit is placed into the assignment. This timer continues until the assignment is deleted or completed. A threshold time limit can be designated in Command Setup.
3A.  The timer will be highlighted in grey if the timer has not reached it's designated threshold time or does not have a designated threshold time.
3B.  The timer will be highlighted in Yellow when it is within one (1) minute of its designated threshold time.
3C.  The timer will be highlighted in RED when it has past its designated threshold time. It will stay highlighted in RED until it is marked complete.
3D.  The timer can be reset by selecting the reset button.

4. When a Unit is placed into an assignment the Unit's timer will start and be independent from the assignment timer. If the unit is moved to another assignment the Units timer will start over.

5. When Units are placed in an Assignment, the Unit menu gains the additional Menu feature of Make Lead. This allows the Unit within the Assignment on the Command board to be designated as the Lead Unit for that Assignment. It also places a Blue banner across the Unit to designate the unit as the Lead Unit of that Assignment. Only one unit per Assignment can be made the lead but can be changed between units at will.

6. To edit an Assignment, select edit from the Assignment Menu, make the desired changes and select Save.

7. To delete an Assignment, select delete from the Assignment Menu and the select Confirm. 

8. To complete an Assignment, select complete from the Assignment Menu and the following actions will occur.
  1. 8A.  Confirmation of the Assignment completion will appear at the Top.
  2. 8B.  Assignment Ratio will change to reflect a completed assignment.
  3. 8C.  Any Units that were in the Assignment will be returned to the Unassigned Units Area.
  4. 8D.  A green Checkmark will appear within the Assignment and the timer will stop. After a few moments the completed assignment will be removed from the Assignment area.

9. To view the Log History of the Assignment, select Log History from the Assignment Menu. The Log Section will then open into a filtered view for that Assignments Log Entries.

10. To duplicate an Assignment, select duplicate from the Assignment menu, and the duplicate Assignment will appear within the Assignment area.

11. To Add Notes to an Assignment, select Add Notes from the Assignment menu, enter the desired information and select Create.

12. Add Assignment, allows the user to create additional Assignment chosen from a list or a custom Assignment.

13. Complete All will mark all Assignments as complete, and all the same actions when completing an Assignment (8-8D) will occur for each Assignment.

14. When Units are placed in an Assignment, the Unit menu gains the additional Menu feature of Make Lead. This allows the Unit within the Assignment on the Command board to be designated as the Lead Unit for that Assignment. It also places a Blue banner across the Unit to designate the unit as the Lead Unit of that Assignment. Only one unit per Assignment can be made the lead but can be changed between units at will.

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