GOOD TO KNOW - Schedule Type Details
Below are additional details and recommendations for "Schedule Type" Options:
On Demand - Enables the checklist to be used anytime.
Custom - Use when you have a unique recurring rotation for a checklist (e.g. every 10 days).
Custom Monthly - Allows scheduling for recurring days of the month i.e., Every 1st and Third Monday.
Daily - Use for daily checks.
Weekly - Use for weekly checks. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the week (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2022, then the subsequent days for the check will be Fridays.)
Monthly - Use for monthly checks. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the month (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2022, then the subsequent days for the check will be the first of the month.)
Every Three Months - Use for checks that occur every three months. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the month (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2022, then the subsequent days for the check will be the first of the month every third month: July, October, January...)
Every Six Months - Use for checks that occur every six months. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the month (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2022, then the subsequent days for the check will be the first of the month every sixth month: July, January, July...)
Every Year - Use for checks that occur annually. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the month (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2022, then the subsequent days for the check will be every July 1.)
Every Monday - Use for checks that occur every Monday.
Every Friday - Use for checks that occur every Friday.
Every X Months - Allows users to specify any number of months for the checklist to recur on. The Start Date field will be the date that defines the recurring day of the month (e.g. if start date is Friday July 1, 2024 and the user selects the occurrence to be every fourth month, then the subsequent days for the check will be the first of every fourth month: July, November, March...)