1. Click on Assets.
2. Click on the appropriate Asset Checks view.
3. Select the appropriate asset that contains the compartment, storage, or pouch.
4. Expand the Compartment, Storage, or Pouch view.
To Add Multiple Compartments, Storage, or Pouches
5. If adding multiple compartments, storages, or pouches, select them by clicking the selection box next to the name.
6. To select all compartments, storages, or pouches click the select all icon.
7. Select the Checklist to apply the compartment, storage, or pouch to from the Add to Checklist dropdown.
8. Click on Apply.
9. The associated checklists will now be visible in the compartment, storage, or pouch header.
To Add a Single Compartment, Storage, or Pouch
5. Click the edit icon for that compartment, storage, or pouch.
6. Select the Checklist to apply the compartment, storage, or pouch to from the Add to Checklist dropdown.
7. When finished, click Save.
8. The compartment, storage, or pouch will now be listed as a checklist category and all equipment/inventory will appear as pass/fail checklist items.