Assets Module Setup: Creating an Asset Checklist

Assets Module Setup: Creating an Asset Checklist


  1. The purpose of this article is to inform users how to create an asset checklist in the Assets Module Setup. 



1. Click on Assets.

Click on Assets.

2. Click on Setup.

Click on Setup.

3. Click on Check List.

Click on Check List.

4. Click on Add Check List.

Click on Add Check List.

5. Complete the following fields.

Complete the following fields.

  1. Check List Name (required- Type the name of the checklist.
  2. Default Answers (required)
    1. Require User Check - Answers will be blank when starting a check.  Users will have to manually answer the question.
    2. Prefill Passing - The checklist answers will be set to "Pass" by default and can be manually changed if needed.
    3. Prefill Failing - The checklist answers will be set to "Fail" by default and can be manually changed if needed.
  3. Applies To
    1. Apparatus - Checklist will only apply to Apparatus
    2. Equipment - Checklist will only apply to Equipment
    3. Station - Checklist will only apply to Stations
    4. Kit - Checklist will only apply to Kits
  4. Assigned To - Checklists can be assigned to a specific user or team.  Leave blank to allow any user or team to complete the checklist.
  5. Status Toggle - Toggle the Checklist to Active/Inactive.  Only active checklists can be used.

- Files and Images can be attached to the Checklist to clarify the checklists intent or process.

Complete the following fields.

Info:  Attached files will be visible by users by clicking the "View Instructions" button at the top of the checklist.

Click on View Instructions

-  The option to enable the checklist to be used in First Due's Bulk Check function will only be available when the checklist applies to equipment.

The option to enable the checklist to be used in First Due's Bulk Check function will only be available when the checklist applies to equipment.

- The option to select whether the checklist will be scheduled when apparatus or equipment service status changes will only be available when the checklist applies to Apparatus or Equipment.

The option to select whether the checklist applies based on apparatus status will only be available when the checklist applies to Apparatus.

- The option to enable the Equipment/Kit Audit function will only be available when the checklist applies to an apparatus, station, or kit.

6. To create a checklist category, click on the + icon in the Checklist Categories column.

7. Name the Checklist Category.

Name the Checklist Category.

8. To add a checklist item, click the + icon in the Checklist Items column.

9. Select the Answer Type from the dropdown.

Select the Answer Type from the dropdown.

- The below images display an example of each question type. 

Note:  Apparatus and Equipment checks will provide the option to create "Field Update" questions.  Field Update questions require a user to input a value, once entered that value will be updated on that specific asset's master record.  Examples of Field Update questions include but are not limited to: Engine Hours, PTO Hours, Mileage, Aerial Hours, and Pump Hours, etc.  

10. Type the checklist question in the Checklist Question field.

Type the checklist question in the Checklist Question field.

11. Select whether the checklist item is required to be answered for the checklist to be completed.

Select whether the checklist item is required to be answered for the checklist to be completed.

- For "Pass or Fail" answer types, select whether to require the creation of a work order if a user selects "Fail" during a check. If enabled, select the "Work Order Type" to be created from the dropdown.

- For "Single Select" and 'Multi Select" answer types, select whether to require a work order creation if a user selects a specific option during a check. Enable by toggling the "Create Work Order" toggle to the "On" position.  If enabled, select the "Work Order Type" to be created from the dropdown.

- To deactivate/activate a checklist item click the Activation icon.

Click on highlight

- To duplicate a checklist question, click the duplicate icon.

To duplicate a checklist question, click the duplicate icon.

- To delete a checklist question, click the delete icon.

To delete a checklist question, click the delete icon.

- To activate all checklist items, click Activate (All).

To activate all checklist items, click Activate (All).

- To duplicate all checklist items. Click on Duplicate (All).

To duplicate all checklist items.  Click on Duplicate (All).

12. When finished, Click Save and proceed to the Checklist Scheduler to schedule the checklist.

When finished, Click Save and proceed to the Checklist Scheduler to schedule the checklist.

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