Approving IP Address Requests

Approving IP Address Requests


  1. To explain how to approve IP Address Requests. 
  2. Departments can limit the IP Addresses that their users can use to access the First Due system. Users would have to submit a request for approval, then the department can manage them as they see fit. 
IMPORTANT: This feature can only be turned on by reaching out to First Due support. If you would like to utilize this feature, reach out to your Client Success Manager or submit a Support Ticket. 



1. Click on Admin > User Registered IP Address.

2. Towards the right of a request, you can:
  1. Approve by clicking the Checkmark.
  2. Deny by clicking the X. 
  3. View details by clicking the Eye.
  4. Edit the request by clicking the Pencil. 
  5. Delete the request by selecting the Trashcan. 

3. When you click approve, a box will appear asking you to confirm the approval. 

When you click approve, a box will appear asking you to confirm the approval.

4. Once approved, the request will have a green status that states APPROVED.

Once approved, the request will have a green status that states APPROVED.

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