Admin Entered Trades

Admin Entered Trades


  1. To explain how to enter a trade as an Admin. 
  2. Admin Entered Trades can be utilized when your organization does not utilize the Trades sub-module of First Due, or you have last-minute trades that go through via informal channels.
    1. This allows you to bypass the end-user request process, putting the power of the trades in the administrator's hands.  



1. Click on Scheduling > Shift Board.

2. Right click on the individual that you need to add a trade for, and select Add Trade.

Right click on the individual that you need to add a trade for, and select Add Trade.

3. Type in the name of the individual that they have traded with and select them when they appear. 

Type in the name of the individual that they have traded with and select them when they appear.

4. You can then:
  • Set the trade for a Full or Partial Shift. 
  • Set a day for the individual to work in return by using Reciprocal Trade. 
  • Add Notes.
When Done, Click Save. 

5. The trade will now appear on the Shift Board. 

The trade will now appear on the Shift Board.

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