Adding Individual Hydrants

Adding Individual Hydrants


  1. The purpose of this article is to explain how to add individual hydrants to your First Due account.
Important: If you are using an ArcGIS hydrant layer from your water company (or other source) AND rely on that source exclusively for hydrant data, you will not need to add your hydrants directly within the First Due Hydrant Module. New hydrants will appear as they are added to ArcGIS file by your water company (or other source).

Adding an Individual Hydrant

  1. To add an individual hydrant, navigate to Hydrants > Hydrant List.

  2. Select "New Hydrant".

  3. In the search field "Find a place and move marker" above the map, enter the hydrant's nearest address and then move the pin that appears to the exact location of the hydrant.

  4. Enter Hydrant Details in the fields provided.

  5. Select "Create". Nice job. You've just added a new hydrant to your First Due account.

Determining Hydrant Color

  1. The hydrant color is based on either the "Color" pick-list OR the value entered in "Residual Flow Rate".

    1. If using "Residual Flow Rate", the colors are based on NFPA 291:


  1. Recap: The setting for which field determines the hydrant color is made in Hydrants > Hydrant Setup > "Use Hydrant Base Color":

Table: Hydrant Data Points

1 Xref Id Hydrant identifier for use with API or other external reference CTYWTR0001
2 Hydrant ID Hydrant Identifier used by agency  A0001
3 Type Hydrant Type Wet Barrel
4 Nearest Address Used to identify nearest address to the hydrant 123 Main Street City, State, Zip
5 Year installed Year hydrant installed 2005
6 Color Color of hydrant based on flow rate (reference NFPA 291) class_aa_blue, class_a_green, class_b_orange, class_c_red
7 Manufacturer Manufacturer of hydrant Mueller
8 Number of Outlets Total number of discharges/outlets 3
9 Steamer Port Diameter of main (largest) discharge 4
10 Size of Outlet 2 Diameter of second discharge 2.5
11 Size of Outlet 3 Diameter of third discharge 2.5
12 Source Water source Water System
13 Static Pressure Static pressure reading (psi / kPa) 100
14 Residual Pressure Residual pressure reading (psi / kPA) 20
15 Residual Flow Rate Residual flow rate (gpm / lpm) 40
16 Location Description Description of hydrant location Near NW Corner (A-B side) of property
17 Cistern Capacity (gallons) Cistern capacity (gallons / liters) - NOTE: Visible only when Type is "Cistern" 1000
18 Main Size Water main size (in / cm) 10
19 Barrel Size Hydrant barrel size (in / cm) 6
20 Water Department Name of water department City Water
21 Model Model of hydrant Gusher
22 Service/Inspected Date Date and time hydrant last serviced/inspected (format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM) 10/11/18 05:25
23 Last Flow Test Date Date and time hydrant last flow tested (format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM) 10/11/18 05:25
24 Notes Enter any additional hydrant details not found in other fields Hydrant closest to FDC
25 Latitude Hydrant latitude 40.0625267
26 Longitude Hydrant longitude -74.8805021
27 Fire Zone Fire Zone (shape file) Brooklyn FD - Zone 1
28 Hydrant Zone Hydrant Zone A-1
29 Hydrant Status In service status (in_service or out_of_service) in_service
30 Private Private hydrant? (Y or N) Y

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