Purpose To explain how to create and update a color palette within Annotations. BEST PRACTICE: Standardization of coloring across a departments preplans makes the information much easier for personnel to quickly reference the information that they ...
Purpose Demonstrate how to add levels to a Pre-Plan and provide various use cases. Video Directions 1. After choosing to edit a pre-plan, click on the slider icon to create levels for the selected occupancy. ' 2. Assign a name to the level. Click and ...
Purpose To explain how to interpret and set the visible zoom level for Annotations and Units applicable to the web view. NOTE: Setting the Visible Zoom Level enables the pre-planner to dictate at what zoom level certain items appear and disappear on ...
Purpose To provide an overview of navigation and actions available from the Pre-Plans Map. Video Directions 1. Click on Pre-Plans Map via the Pre-Planning Module. 2. Primary occupancies, ground level units & annotations, and hydrants will be visible ...
Purpose To explain the how to use Regional Preplanning to preplan a higher and broader geographic area. Sometimes you want to pre-plan a large event, something not attached to a single occupancy, or units or annotations that you want visible at a ...